freezing sub Antarctic Bouvet Island is literally in the middle of nowhere;
located in the South Atlantic Ocean, it is known for being the most remote
island in the entire world. A Norwegian dependency, it is a very small,
uninhabited island, and is now classified as a nature reserve after a weather
station operated on it for a few months during 1978 and 1979. Aside from its
unfathomable isolation, there doesn’t seem to be anything all that special
about this island at first glance.
In 1964, British Lieutenant Commander Allan Crawford and a team
were sent to Bouvet Island by helicopter, to research a new piece of land that
had popped up on the island due to volcanic activity. Here’s where it gets a
bit weird. When they arrived, they found something very unusual. On this new
patch of land, which had only been there for around ten years, the team came
across an abandoned lifeboat, floating in a lagoon. The oars were on the shore,
along with a copper tank. There were no signs of any people or
bodies, and the boat was unmarked and thus unidentifiable as belonging to
anyone in particular. Unfortunately, the team did not have much time to look
around, but before they left they snapped this photo:
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So, where did the boat come from?
It’s possible that it came from a ship in distress, but that theory has been
seen as doubtful because of the sheer remoteness, minuscule size and
lack of visibility of the island due to the harsh weather. Even if it was a
shipwreck victim, where did they go? As mentioned previously, there were no
signs that anyone had tried to camp near the lifeboat, or attempted to use it
as a shelter. It’s also possible that it just happened to wash up near the
island, coming to rest in the lagoon after floating in from a shipwreck hundreds
of miles away, but this doesn’t explain the oars and other equipment on the
From here, the mystery deepens.
Another expedition to the island a couple of years later found no traces of the
boat, the oars or the copper tank. Did the owner of the boat come back to fetch
it? This seems unlikely, again due to the general remoteness of the island,
coupled with the fact that retrieving a lifeboat would mean lifting it out with
a helicopter or dragging it back out to sea and placing it on a ship; both just
seem like way too much effort to go to for something as insignificant as a lifeboat.
The whole thing is very mysterious, and quite creepy to think about. I have two
1. The lifeboat did belong to a shipwreck victim who
had simply happened to come across the island by pure chance. Landing on the
shore, he left the boat (which was obviously too heavy to carry around) and
went to look for some kind of food and water sources. The severe climate may
have been too much for him to handle, and he could have collapsed and died
elsewhere on the island whilst doing this. As stated above, the team that found
the boat didn’t have time to search much further than the shore where the boat
was, so this seems like a logical explanation. There are still several
questions remaining, though. Were there any shipwrecks in the general vicinity
of the island at the time? If so, why didn’t anyone come forward to claim the
boat and say it was from their ship? Where did the boat disappear
to? Maybe the boat somehow floated back out to sea, or simply sank into
the lagoon. Unfortunately, there is no real way of knowing.
2. A larger ship was in the area on an expedition, and
sent a team with a couple of smaller boats to land on the shore. When they
landed, they noticed that one of the boats was slightly damaged, and the team
all headed back on the good boat, got back on the ship and left, after
exploring the island. This would explain why there were no signs of any camping
activity or human remains. As the team who found the boat in 1964 spent very
little time on the island, perhaps they didn’t notice the boat was slightly
damaged. This still doesn’t explain where the boat disappeared to, though, and
again, if this theory is correct, why didn’t anyone come forward to say that it
was their boat?
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